
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Toothbrush Chart

This is a really simple activity that gets the kids thinking about brushing their teeth.  I think it originally came from The Mailbox Magazine but it is a simple project that you can make yourself.  It would be easy to make the little chart in Word and add a little toothy clipart.

I give the kids a simple toothbrush shape made out of a 12x18 piece of bright colored construction  paper that has been folded in half lengthwise.  The children glue the inside and fold and then add a half sheet of copy paper between the two sides to make bristles for their toothbrush. They then fringe cut the bristles. 

After they are done fringe cutting they add the little chart and write their name and we put them on the wall so that we can refer to them throughout the week as we talk about teethbrushing.  I allow the children to add stickers to their teeth brushing chart even if they have said they have not brushed.  I encourage them to do so when they get home and inevitably they come to school the next day excited to tell me they brushed their teeth which was all I was trying to accomplish in the first place.

 How are you encouraging dental health in your classroom?


  1. The first thing Elliott did after she drank her milk this morning is to ask to brush her teeth--("bush teeths" with a finger motion--so cute) so we went and did it. I think she'd like a chart, too--but then we'd be brushing teeth like 12 times a day so she could put a sticker on her chart... Maybe next year. Great idea!

  2. Ahh, she is so cute. Love a girl who wants to take care of her teeth! Nice job of starting that so early with her.

  3. This idea of the toothbrush chart truly works! I can suggest this to the teacher of my nephew, since we are having a hard time convincing him to brush his teeth. This would also improve their listening and communication skills. What's more, it's creative, cute and fun.


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